About us

Spain Cultural Routes

Cultural Routes in Spain is a tourist brand endorsed by the Secretary of State for Tourism and Trade of the Government of Spain. It currently links five physical and thematic Spanish routes that comprise a representative and thematic sample of the territorial and cultural diversity of the country. These routes are managed by non-profit organisations formed by public and private institutions working in culture and tourism:

  • International Association “Caminos de Arte Rupeste Prehistórico”
  • Cooperation Network of Towns on the Ruta de la Plata
  • Way of El Cid Consortium
  • Cooperation Network of the Routes of Emperor Charles V
  • Association of the Tourist Development of the Ways of Passion


Spain Cultural Routes

Cultural Routes in Spain aims to offer an attractive, well-defined, high-quality tourist option within international tourism to promote the values of Spanish cultural heritage and make known the artistic, natural, ethnographic and gastronomic diversity of Spain through its history, channelled along thematic routes of high heritage value at a global level.

From the institutional point of view, Cultural Routes in Spain is based around environmental and cultural sustainability; the contribution towards deseasonalisation and geographic decentralisation of tourism, an increase in tourism competitiveness through effective and specialised publicity and marketing; differentiation and adaptability to the profile of each client; and tourist publicity based on the values of experiences to stress the unique and personal nature of the activities associated with the available tourism products.


Spain Cultural Routes

The main activities of Cultural Routes in Spain are participation in publicity actions; attendance at professional international tourism fairs (IFTM Top Resa Paris, ITB Berlin and WORLD TRAVEL MARKET in London); cooperation with international tour operators and mass media; and collaboration with Spanish tourism offices abroad belonging to the Secretary General of State for Tourism.

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